In his mid-thirties, working as a lawyer in a predominantly desk-bound job, Sri found his body could no longer cope with the lack of movement, and he realized he couldn't get away with eating whatever he wanted anymore. Under Jermaine’s guidance, Sri began seeing the results he hoped for. Within 12 weeks, he dropped a staggering 7% body fat and increased his lean muscle by 3 kg. His body composition was literally changing within weeks, as shown in his Bodyscan results.
The initial journey was challenging for Sri, having never been in a gym before, let alone training with a personal trainer. Jermaine took all of this into account, allowing Sri to develop and adapt to this new regime at his own pace, while still achieving the results he was looking for. Sri’s transformation was not only physical but also boosted his confidence and how he showed up around others. Sri vowed to make everything he had implemented a part of his lifestyle, as the benefits were more than just physical—they also significantly improved how he felt.