Results don't come without their challenges.
Meet my client, Lisa. When Lisa started, she had one simple goal: to "tone up" her arms, stomach, and legs. She was frustrated that despite attending exercise classes four times a week and eating as little as possible—sometimes only one meal a day—her body wasn't changing to match her efforts.
Little did she know, she was about to flip everything she believed about health and fitness on its head and approach things differently to begin her transformation. Lisa increased her protein intake and started focusing on consuming more whole foods and fewer processed foods. She introduced more weight training into her routine, doing exercises such as heavy squats and deadlifts.
Over the next few months, her body began to change. She was looking leaner and felt fitter than ever before. She has now established a good balance with her food, able to enjoy more of the foods she loves without fearing weight gain. Things now feel a lot more sustainable for her.